Why Choose PRIMES
At PRIMES you will be able to:
- Work on a real research project in mathematics, computer science, or computational biology over a period of one year.
- Interact and collaborate with professional researchers (faculty and graduate students) from MIT and other schools.
- Interact with other mathematically advanced high school students.
- Learn how to use computers to do pure or applied mathematics research; for example, get acquainted with computer algebra systems - Mathematica, MAGMA, GAP, SAGE.
- Gain advanced knowledge in the field of your research.
- Learn how to succeed in mathematical research .
- Learn how to write a research paper and publish it on the digital preprint archive www.arXiv.org and in a professional research journal.
- Learn how to give an oral presentation of your research.
- Submit your project to national science competitions, such as Regeneron Science Talent Search , Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) , and the Davidson Fellows Scholarship .
- Gain valuable experience for summer math research programs for high school students, such as RSI, PROMYS, and REUs.
- Obtain recommendations for college (around 45% of PRIMES alumni go to MIT).
- Learn how to become an absent-minded mathematician .
For more information, see Program Details and Q&A with Chief Research Advisor
With questions, contact PRIMES Program Coordinator Yufei An at