Integral : The MIT Mathematics Newsletter
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Current Edition of Integral
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Past Editions of Integral
We are pleased to offer a downloadable version of the department's newsletter, Integral , online. Published annually, Integral reviews the past year's exciting news and upcoming events. It also highlights new faculty members, fundraising progress, and the fantastic accomplishments of our students.
- 2022 Integral
- 2017 Integral - Insert: The Simons Building Dedication
- 2015 Integral
- 2013-2014 Integral
- 2012 Integral
- 2011 Integral
- 2010 Integral
- 2009 Integral
- 2008 Integral
- 2007 Integral
- 2006 Integral
From the 2008 Integral
We have excerpts from the book, Recountings: Conversations with MIT Mathematicians . Additionally, check out the solutions to this newsletter's puzzle .
From the 2007 Integral
Watch on YouTube: Rep. Jerry McNerney's commendation in Congress of the mapping of the E8 Lie group .
To donate to the Campaign for Math, please visit the Mathematics Giving Page .