Alexei Borodin

Alexei Borodin is the Barton L. Weller Professor of Mathematics as of July 2024. He joined the MIT faculty as Professor of Mathematics in 2010. He completed the Diploma from Moscow State University in 1997 and received the PhD under Alexandre Kirillov from the University of Pennsylvania in 2001. He was a professor at Caltech in 2003-2010. From 2013-2016, he served as co-chair of the Graduate Faculty Committee in pure mathematics.
Borodin studies problems on the interface of representation theory and probability that link to combinatorics, random matrix theory, and integrable systems.
In 2001 he received a long-term research fellowship of the Clay Mathematics Institute. He was awarded the Prize of the Moscow Mathematical Society in 2003 and the Prize of the European Mathematical Society in 2008. In 2015, Borodin received both the Loeve Prize and the Henri Poincare Prize. This Poincaré prize is awarded every three years at the International Mathematical Physics Congress, recognizing outstanding contributions in mathematical physics. In 2016 he received a Simons Fellowship by the Simons Foundation. In 2018, Borodin was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He also received, jointly with Ivan Corwin and Patrik Ferrari, the Inaugural Alexanderson Award by the American Institute of Mathematics, for their article, "Free energy fluctuations for directed polymers in random media in 1+1 dimensions," Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, v67 (2014). The Alexanderson Award recognizes outstanding research articles arising from AIM research activities, published in the last three years. In 2020, Borodin was awarded the 2019 Fermat Prize for the invention of integrable probability theory, a new area at the interface of representation theory, combinatorics, and statistical physics. Alexei also received the 2020 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article. He and his co-author, Leonid Petrov of the University of Virginia, were recognized for their article in Probability Surveys. Borodin received a 2020 Simons Investigatorship in Mathematics.