18.786 - Galois Representations (Spring 2014)



The indicated paragraphs in [Gee] are often discussed in greater detail; e.g. some of the basic lemmas are proved rather than black-boxed. For a list of references, click on References above.

Semester Timeline
Date Topic Reference Remark
02-04 topology on Galois groups, definition/examples of Galois representations [Gee] 2.1 and more First Day
02-06 lemmas about l-adic reps, Brauer-Nesbitt theorem [Gee] 2.3-2.5
02-11 number fields, local fields, Frob conjugacy classes, Chebotarev density thm [Neu] II.9, [Gee] 2.24-2.25
02-13 local Galois reps (l not equal to p): Grothendieck's l-adic monodromy thm and Weil-Deligne reps [Gee] 2.6-2.19
02-18 class holiday reading assignment: local Galois reps when l=p; read the two pages from [Gee] 2.20 Monday schedule of classes to be held.
02-20 Guest Lecture by Julee Kim (Topic: Intro to representation theory of GL(n) over p-adic fields) See below if you wish to do some preparatory reading.* SWS away to a workshop at MSRI
02-25 Galois deformations: group-theoretic hypothesis and universal lifting [Gee] 3.1-3.3 For motivation, read earlier sections of [Maz97].
02-27 universal deformation, linear algebraic lemma [Gee] 3.4-3.9
03-04 tangent spaces, generators and relations for universal lifting rings [Gee] 3.10-3.14 Review group cohomology before coming (minimum: [Ser-LF] VII.1-VII.3 or [AW] 1-2)
03-06 deformation conditions, generic fibers of universal lifting rings [Gee] 3.15-3.17, [Stanford-4]
03-11 Global deformation rings [Gee] 3.18-3.22, just entered 3.23
03-13 Presenting global R over R^{loc}, computing H^i_{S,T}. [Gee] 3.23-3.24 See [Mil-ADT] 1.12, 2.3, 2.8, 4.10, 4.15, 5.1 or [Ser-GC] for facts on Galois cohomology
03-18 Dim and irred. components of local lifting rings when ell is not p [Gee] 3.29-3.31 (cf. [BLGGT] 1.2-1.3), [Pil] sec 4 Arizona Winter School
03-20 Local Galois reps and lifting rings when ell=p [Gee] 3.27-3.28, 3.35-3.38 (cf. [CHT08] 2.4.1, [BLGGT] 1.4) Review [Gee] 2.20-2.23 before coming; [Ber04] is a good survey on local Galois reps when ell=p
03-25 spring break If you have time, preview [Gee] section 4. Also review modular forms and auto. forms on GL(2), following articles in [FLT-white], [FLT-yellow], Bump's book, or Milne's course notes.
03-27 spring break
04-01 Basic def. in rep theory of p-adic groups, [Gee] 4.1-4.3, either [BH] chap 1 or [Cas] sec 2
04-03 parabolic induction, irred. adm. in terms of supercuspidals, local Langlands for GL(n) [Gee] 4.4-4.5, [Kud94]
04-08 unramified local Langlands, Hecke operators, local base change [Gee] 4.6-4.7 For ref, [AC89] for base change, [Car79] sec 4.2 and [Bor79] sec 10.4 for Satake isomorphisms and unramified LLC in general.
04-10 local Jacquet-Langlands, automorphic forms on quat. alg. [Gee] 4.8-4.14 see [Rog83][DKV84] for local JL, [Gro99] for aut. forms on groups "cpt at infty"
04-15 global JL, global base change, global Langlands for GL(2) [Gee] 4.15-4.23 see [Bad08] for general global JL; [AC89] Ch.3 for global BC
04-17 integral theory of automorphic forms [Gee] 5.2-5.3
04-22 MIT holiday Patriots day
04-24 Minimal Automorphy Lifting Theorem [Gee] 5.1, 5.5-5.9 cf. [Gee] Thm 5.1, which is a "non-minimal" ALT; cf. [BLGGT] Thm 2.3, [Tho12] Thm 7.1 for minimal ALT in higher dim.
04-29 Patching 1 [Gee] 5.5-5.9 See [Kis05] 2.3 for comparison of original and modified patching arguments.
05-01 Patching 2, completion of proof of minimal ALT [Gee] 5.5-5.9
05-06 class holiday SWS away to a workshop in Barbados
05-08 John Binder's guest lecture Topic: Eichler-Shimura theory This includes a construction of elliptic curves from certain cuspforms of weight 2, a crucial ingredient in the proof of FLT.
05-13 On FLT, part 1
05-15 On FLT, part 2 Last Day

*Suggested reading for Julee Kim's lecture: Skim through Chapter 4 of Bump (link to Amazon) and/or try Herzig's notes for a quick overview of general representation theory of p-adic groups + what to read further.