18.952: Theory of Differential Forms

Time and place: MW 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, 2-142

Instructor: Shaoyun Bai

Textbook: Differential Forms by Victor Guillemin and Peter Haine, online version.

Course syllabus.

Lectures notes (Warning: these notes are simply a partial extraction from the textbook.)
Week 1
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 

Problem sets (from the textbook)
HW1 (Due 2/18): 1.2.vi, xii; 1.3.vi-ix; 1.4.vi, vii, x; 1.5.i, iii, iv, viii, x; 1.6.iii, v, vi; 1.7.iv, v, vi; 1.8.iii, vii, viii.

HW2 (Due 3/3):2.1.iii, iv, viii, ix; 2.2.iv, viii, x, xi; 2.3.ii, iii, v; 2.4.ii, iii, v, vi; 2.5.iv, v, vi, viii; 2.6.iv, v, vi, ix, x, xi.

HW3 (Due 3/17): 3.2.iv, v, viii; 3.4. ii, iii, x; 3.5.iv, v; 3.6.i, iii, iv, vi, vii, x.