18.784: Seminar in Number Theory, Spring 2025
Welcome to 18.784: Seminar in Number Theory! This course is a Communication Intensive in Mathematics (CI-M) for undergraduates at MIT. This semester, we will explore arithmetic dynamics — an area of mathematics that studies how numbers move. The subject lies at the intersection of dynamical systems and number theory, involving a breadth of mathematical disciplines including:
Students will prepare a short paper and present specific topics in arithmetic dynamics. Grading is primarily based on the paper, presentations, and active participation during the semester. Prerequisites for the course are Algebra 1 (18.701) or (Modern Algebra (18.703) and Linear Algebra (18.06 or 18.700)). |
Course files: Google forms:
Date | Speaker | Title | References |
February 4 | Robin Zhang | Organizational meeting | |
(Intro questionnaire due 11:59pm) | Emily Robinson |
Communications workshop: preparing for presentations |
[Ruf] |
February 6 | All students | 3-minute introductory talks (favorite definition / example / theorem) | |
Robin Zhang |
What is arithmetic dynamics |
[Sil1]§Introduction [Sil4]§1 [BIJMST]§1-2 |
February 11 | Youssef Marrakchi & Alejandro Reyes | What is modular arithmetic | [IR]§3-4, 7 [Ros]§4-5, 9 [Smi] Ch. II |
Matija Likar & Jake Ross |
What is a Cauchy sequence |
[Bri]§1-2, 5 [Hun]§2.6, 3.7, 13.1-13.4 |
February 13 | Jeff Lin & Ray Wang | What is a complex function | [Dun]§2-4 [SS1] Ch. 1-3 |
Maximus Lu & Angeline Peng |
What is Galois theory |
[DF]§13-14 [Goo] [Lei] |
February 18 | President's Day Tuesday (no meeting) | President's Day Tuesday (no meeting) | |
February 20 | Clarise Han & Isaac Rajagopal | What is a p-adic number | [Con2] [Gou]§1-3 |
Lucy Epstein & Andrew Tung |
What is an algebraic curve |
[Ful]§1.1-1.7, 2.1-2.4, 3.1 [Gat] Ch. 0-1 |
February 25 | Angeline Peng | Elliptic curves and their torsion points | [SS2]§Ogg's conjecture [ST]§1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.2, 2.5 |
Youssef Marrakchi & Jake Ross |
Complex rational maps and the projective line |
[Ful]§4.1 [GG]§1.1.1 [Sil1]§1.1 [Sil4]§2.1-2.2 |
February 27 | Emily Robinson | Communications workshop: effective mathematics presentations | |
March 4 | Lucy Epstein & Maximus Lu | Dynamics in the digits of the rationals and modular arithmetic | [Con2] [Mor1]§1-7 [Viv]§1-2 |
Isaac Rajagopal & Andrew Tung |
Complex critical points and the Riemann-Hurwitz formula |
[Sil1]§1.2 [Sil4]§2.3 |
March 6 | Clarise Han & Jeff Lin | Rational periodic points of quadratic polynomials of periods 1–3 | [Ros]§13.1 [WR]§1-3 |
Matija Likar |
Complex periodic points and multipliers |
[Sil1]§1.3 [Sil4]§3 |
March 11 | Alejandro Reyes & Ray Wang | Cyclotomic and dynatomic polynomials | [Con1] [Mor2]§1 [Sil1]§4.1 |
Robin Zhang |
Introduce paper assignment |
March 13 | Emily Robinson |
Communications workshop: reading research papers | |
March 18 | Alejandro Reyes | Asymptotics in dynamics over finite fields | [AG] [BIJMST]§18 [BOSZ] [Gre] [Hea] [Juu] |
Youssef Marrakchi |
Graphs and zeta functions |
[Bri1]§1 [Bri2]§1 [Fri] [Rue1] [Rue2]§1-7 [Ter]§1-2, 4, 6 |
March 20 (Paper topic proposal due 11:59pm) |
Jeff Lin | Dynatomic modular curves | [BL]§1 [Mor2]§1 [Sil1]§4.1-4.2 |
Clarise Han |
Dynamical pseudorandom number generators |
[BOSZ] [GIGS] [OS] |
March 25 | Spring Break (no meeting) | Spring Break (no meeting) | |
March 27 | Spring Break (no meeting) | Spring Break (no meeting) | |
April 1 | Andrew Tung | Moduli spaces of rational maps and dynamical systems | [Man]§4-7 [Sil1]§4.3-4.4 |
Matija Likar |
Arboreal and dynatomic Galois representations |
[BJ] [Jon] [BIJMST]§5-6 |
April 3 | Angeline Peng | Height functions and Northcott's theorem | [BIJMST]§14-15 [Sil1]§3.1-3.2, 3.4 [Sil4]§4.1, 5.1-5.2 |
Lucy Epstein |
Rational periodic points of quadratic polynomials of large period |
[FPS]§1 [Mor4]§1-2 [Pan1]§2.1-2.2 [Pan2] [Poo] [Sto]§1 |
April 8 | Ray Wang | Julia sets and Mandelbrot sets | [Bel] [Dev] [PR]§Frontiers of Chaos, 4, B. B. Mandelbrot, A. Douady |
Isaac Rajagopal |
p-adic periodic points of quadratic polynomials |
[BIJMST]§22 [Kru]§1 [WR]§5-6 |
April 10 | Maximus Lu | The uniform boundedness conjecture for abelian varieties | [Dem]§1 [KW]§1 [Sil2]§VIII.7 [SS]§Ogg's conjecture [ST]§2.5 |
Jake Ross |
Dynatomic Galois groups and dynatomic fields |
[Kru2] [Sil1]§3.9 [Mor2] [MP] [VH]§1-4 |
April 15 (Paper first draft due 1pm) |
Emily Robinson | Communications workshop: rhetorical strategies for writing about mathematics effectively | |
April 17 | — (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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April 22 | — (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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April 24 | — (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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April 29 (Paper second draft due 11:59pm) |
— (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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May 1 | — (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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May 6 | All students | Peer review on papers | |
May 8 | — (solo presentation) | — | — |
— (solo presentation) |
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May 13 (Paper final draft due 11:59pm) |
All students | Course retrospective |
Books and theses
Communications resources
YouTube videos