Topics in Arithmetic Dynamics

18.784: Seminar in Number Theory, Spring 2025

Welcome to 18.784: Seminar in Number Theory! This course is a Communication Intensive in Mathematics (CI-M) for undergraduates at MIT.

This semester, we will explore arithmetic dynamics — an area of mathematics that studies how numbers move. The subject lies at the intersection of dynamical systems and number theory, involving a breadth of mathematical disciplines including:

  • Algebraic geometry
  • Algebraic number theory
  • Algorithmic number theory
  • Analytic number theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Complex analysis
  • p-adic analysis
  • Representation theory

Students will prepare a short paper and present specific topics in arithmetic dynamics. Grading is primarily based on the paper, presentations, and active participation during the semester.

Prerequisites for the course are Algebra 1 (18.701) or (Modern Algebra (18.703) and Linear Algebra (18.06 or 18.700)).
Additional mathematical background, such as elementary number theory (18.781) and Galois theory (18.702), will be helpful but not required.

Course files:

Google forms:

The seminar meets in 2-151 from 1:00pm—2:30pm (ET) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
My office hours are in 2-238 from 2:30pm—3:30pm (ET) on Thursdays until March 6 and Tuesdays starting March 11.

To contact me, please email me or message me in the course Slack.
To contact our communications instructor, Emily Robinson, you can email her at

Course schedule

Date Speaker Title References
February 4 Robin Zhang Organizational meeting
(Intro questionnaire due 11:59pm)
Emily Robinson

Communications workshop: preparing for presentations

February 6 All students 3-minute introductory talks (favorite definition / example / theorem)

Robin Zhang

What is arithmetic dynamics

February 11 Youssef Marrakchi & Alejandro Reyes What is modular arithmetic [IR]§3-4, 7
[Ros]§4-5, 9
[Smi] Ch. II

Matija Likar & Jake Ross

What is a Cauchy sequence

[Bri]§1-2, 5
[Hun]§2.6, 3.7, 13.1-13.4
February 13 Jeff Lin & Ray Wang What is a complex function [Dun]§2-4
[SS1] Ch. 1-3

Maximus Lu & Angeline Peng

What is Galois theory

February 18 President's Day Tuesday (no meeting) President's Day Tuesday (no meeting)
February 20 Clarise Han & Isaac Rajagopal What is a p-adic number [Con2]

Lucy Epstein & Andrew Tung

What is an algebraic curve

[Ful]§1.1-1.7, 2.1-2.4, 3.1
[Gat] Ch. 0-1
February 25 Angeline Peng Elliptic curves and their torsion points [SS2]§Ogg's conjecture
[ST]§1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.2, 2.5

Youssef Marrakchi & Jake Ross

Complex rational maps and the projective line

February 27 Emily Robinson Communications workshop: effective mathematics presentations

March 4 Lucy Epstein & Maximus Lu Dynamics in the digits of the rationals and modular arithmetic [Con2]

Isaac Rajagopal & Andrew Tung

Complex critical points and the Riemann-Hurwitz formula

March 6 Clarise Han & Jeff Lin Rational periodic points of quadratic polynomials of periods 1–3 [Ros]§13.1

Matija Likar

Complex periodic points and multipliers

March 11 Alejandro Reyes & Ray Wang Cyclotomic and dynatomic polynomials [Con1]

Robin Zhang

Introduce paper assignment

March 13 Emily Robinson
Communications workshop: reading research papers

March 18 Alejandro Reyes Asymptotics in dynamics over finite fields [AG]

Youssef Marrakchi

Graphs and zeta functions

[Ter]§1-2, 4, 6
March 20
(Paper topic proposal due 11:59pm)
Jeff Lin Dynatomic modular curves [BL]§1

Clarise Han

Dynamical pseudorandom number generators

March 25 Spring Break (no meeting) Spring Break (no meeting)
March 27 Spring Break (no meeting) Spring Break (no meeting)
April 1 Andrew Tung Moduli spaces of rational maps and dynamical systems [Man]§4-7

Matija Likar

Arboreal and dynatomic Galois representations

April 3 Angeline Peng Height functions and Northcott's theorem [BIJMST]§14-15
[Sil1]§3.1-3.2, 3.4
[Sil4]§4.1, 5.1-5.2

Lucy Epstein

Rational periodic points of quadratic polynomials of large period

April 8 Ray Wang Julia sets and Mandelbrot sets [Bel]
[PR]§Frontiers of Chaos, 4, B. B. Mandelbrot, A. Douady

Isaac Rajagopal

p-adic periodic points of quadratic polynomials

April 10 Maximus Lu The uniform boundedness conjecture for abelian varieties [Dem]§1
[SS]§Ogg's conjecture

Jake Ross

Dynatomic Galois groups and dynatomic fields

April 15
(Paper first draft due 1pm)
Emily Robinson Communications workshop: rhetorical strategies for writing about mathematics effectively

April 17 — (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

April 22 — (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

April 24 — (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

April 29
(Paper second draft due 11:59pm)
— (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

May 1 — (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

May 6 All students Peer review on papers

May 8 — (solo presentation)

— (solo presentation)

May 13
(Paper final draft due 11:59pm)
All students Course retrospective

Books and theses



Communications resources

YouTube videos