Jessica Wan Wins 2024 Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize

Jessica Wan

First-year Jessica Wan was the top-scoring woman in the annual William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. She finishing in the top 25, which earned her the $1,000 Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize. “I’m very honored to be receiving this prize and excited to continue studying math at MIT alongside so many other Elizabeth Lowell Putnam awardees!” says Jessica. She […]

Marisa Gaetz Works on Brave Behind Bars

Brave Behind Bars participants standing together.

Research co-written by Math PhD candidate Marisa Gaetz shows education is key to successful reentry of the incarcerated. See MIT News

A Visit to JMM

Former MIT postdoc Maggie Miller had just one day to spend at JMM 2024 in San Francisco. A first-year assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) and a Clay Research Fellow, Miller had another math conference to go to that week. But having attended JMM for more than a decade meant she knew […]

Dr. Lenore Carol Blum PhD ’68: ‘Accidental Activist’ Who Changed the Face of Mathematics

Lenore Blum

Throughout her 60-year career, Lenore Blum has developed new perspectives on logic and computation while championing women in mathematics and computer science. Now consciousness is on her mind. Read more in Quanta.

A new record for Math Prize for Girls wins

Arun Alagappan, president and founder of the Advantage Testing Foundation; Jessica Wan, first-place winner and a senior from Parkland, Florida; and In Young Cho, Math Prize for Girls alumna and emcee.

Twelfth grader Jessica Wan three-peats, as MIT hosts the 15th competition for female middle and high school math enthusiasts. Read more via the MIT News.

Alum competes in Devil’s Plan

Netflix’s The Devil’s Plan show contestant DongJoo Suh (Danielle), a 2008 MIT Math alum, is featured in this article.